Free tuition in the following shortage areas! Call or email Mrs. Clausen for details!

It's never a dull moment in the counseling office! We are busy with college applications, senior scholarships, and semester 2 WITCC scheduling.

Great night for Blackhawk wrestling

Blackhawk wrestlers take to tonight 61-3 over LB and 64-18 over SC West! Way to go!!

Blackhawks win 61-40 over Trinity Christian.

Lady Blackhawks win 45-30

Putting the 'art' in Language Arts!
Check out these Illustrated Idioms from the 5th grade!

Any students in grades 8-12 interested in playing baseball need to sign up for a number with Coach Kramer ASAP.

Congratulations Little Hawks Preschool!
Little Hawks Preschool has earned 5 stars in Iowa’s Quality Rating System (QRS). Level 5 is the highest rating level in Iowa. Becoming a level 5 requires demonstrating excellence and shows dedication to quality and continuous improvement.

Great turn out tonight for the 4-6 Christmas program. Thanks for supporting our kids!

entering Kindergarten and 9th grade must
have a dental screening completed for the
2019/2020 school year per Iowa law.
If you have not done so already, please
submit your students' dental screening certificate to the HS office.

Reminder: 4-6th grade band and vocal concert tonight at 7:00 p.m. Come get in the holiday spirit with our young musicians!

Be sure to order a yearbook soon. You can even make it a "Christmas" gift.

No school Wednesday November 27 due to the weather. Have a great Thanksgiving break.

4-6 students of the month! Great Job!

All after school activities, practices, or games have been cancelled for Tuesday.

School will be dismissed at 1:00 due to the weather.

Happy Thanksgiving

HS boys basketball jamboree at East has been cancelled.

5th and 6th-grade spelling tests will be tomorrow (Tuesday, November 26th) because of the early-out on Wednesday.