Hinton Speech Club members will present their speech pieces at our Speech Night on Friday, April 30 at 7:00 p.m. in the High School gym. There is no cost to attend and all are welcome!
Due to an audio issue, the movie after Friday night's HPA Spirit Glow Fun Walk/Run will be shown in the elementary gym. Face masks will be needed. If you forget one, we will have extras.
We could use a couple of volunteers to monitor the kid zone. If interested, sign up on our site: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B0B4FA5A62DA4F85-hpaspirit
This is the last week to order & pay for a 20-21 yearbook. All orders and payment must be submitted to Mr. Sussex by Friday, April 30th. It's $50, but if you don't submit by Friday and still want one you'll need to be added to the waiting list.
Our HS dodgeball competitions have started, tournament bracket style. Today, Mrs. Bolinger's HR went 2-0, & Mrs. Nelson's HR won their 1st game. More to come next Friday!
7-8th graders get to go to Hillview tomorrow after lunch as a celebration for "Raising the Bar" on the ISASPs.
Today we recognize and celebrate the amazing work of our administrative professionals—we couldn't do it without you! The Blackhawk family is truly grateful for all the work that you do.
This link gives you access to our newsletter related to important upcoming dates for seniors. Commencement is less than a month away!
MS Track meet in Kingsley Tuesday, April 20 has been cancelled.
All GOLF and TRACK MEETS for this evening 4-19-21 have been cancelled.
Golf today 4-19-21 with Unity has been postponed to a date TBD.
Unity Christian Boys Track Invite has been cancelled for today 4-19-21.
You are cordially invited to the Hinton Prom Grand March on Saturday, April 24th, 2021 at 4:30pm in the High School Gym. All are welcome. Covid-19 Protocols will be followed. Masks will be required in the building
Looking for something to do this weekend? Come check out the Broadway Review Night in the HS gym on Saturday, April 17 @ 7PM. Admission is $5 for adults and $3 for students. Hope to see you there!
All HS Golf meets tonight April 13 are postponed until April 20.
No practice tonight, however, both teams need to meet briefly after school in coaches rooms.
Parents of '21 Seniors! 11 seniors haven't submitted a digital senior photo (vertical orient.). Submit ASAP - by Apr. 20. Several graduation & yearbook things coming due soon & we need your help. If you're unsure if that's you, email Mr. Sussex: chad.sussex@hintonschool.com.
Blackhawks getting pumped up to Raise the Bar on the ISASP testing! Parents please remind your 7-12 student to charge their computers and their brains! Get a good night's rest, a solid breakfast, and bring a great attitude!
Blackhawk baseball fans check out this site for clothing!
Hinton boys basketball team is selling softener salt this spring. Orders must be in by APRIL 18th. 50lb bags of crystal salt. $8.00/bag. Minimum order of 4. Deliver on May 1st.
Contact any boys basketball player or John Spies 712-253-2964 or email
Thanks for the support!
Haven't yet ordered a '20 - '21 Yearbook? Time is almost up! Be sure to order by April 25th. We are looking to sell at least 25 more books. Help the yearbook program. Pick up an order form from Mr. Sussex.
Track meet today 4-8-21 in Vermillion has been ppd to a date tbd.