Golf today 4-8-21 with Gehlen has been ppd to April 13 with tee off at 4:00. NO JV MATCHES.
over 3 years ago, Brian DeJong
Blackhawk fans going forward if you are attending any STATE girls or boys sponsored tournament game or playoffs you will need to purchase your tickets online. Please go to this website for more information.
almost 4 years ago, Brian DeJong
​The April Newsletter just went live with a brand new look! Check it out at
almost 4 years ago, Hinton School
High school girls golf meet at Mapleton has been postponed to a later date.
almost 4 years ago, Brian DeJong
Get your Hinton softball clothing here. Store closes April 11.
almost 4 years ago, Brian DeJong
Parents & Family of current 5-6th graders: Please join Mr. Gillaspie via Livestream for a 25-minute parent informational meeting on Thursday, March 25th at 6:00pm! A tour director will give you all the details about this once-in-a-lifetime adventure to Washington, D.C. and Mount Vernon during the summer of 2022. To join the meeting, simply click this link:
almost 4 years ago, Brian DeJong
Hinton golf clothing can be ordered here:
almost 4 years ago, Brian DeJong
Junior high track practices will be held during eighth period today 3-23. Athletes will ride the bus home after school due to the weather.
almost 4 years ago, Brian DeJong
Don't miss out on this HPA fun!
almost 4 years ago, Kathy Rhodes
HPA Blackhawk Spirit Glow Walk/Run Form
The Hinton Soundpower Concert will be Thurs, Mar. 18 at 7PM. It will include the HS Concert Choir, Sound Explosions (MS Show Choir) and Soundwaves (HS). For those of you wanting to view from the comfort of your own home, here is a link for streaming:
almost 4 years ago, Dustin Rusche
Soundpower Flyer
Spring pictures are will be taken soon!
almost 4 years ago, Brian DeJong
Music In Our Schools Month Staff in the 4-12 building were given the opportunity to submit their favorite "go-to" song to be submitted for the March Music Madness Bracket that the music students are voting on. Students and staff have shown much enthusiasm for the fun to begin!
almost 4 years ago, Dustin Rusche
Pink Bracket
Orange Bracket
The 2021 Spring Band Concert will be live streamed tonight on the school's YouTube channel. It is unlisted and only accessible using the following link.
almost 4 years ago, Hinton School
4th Grade Music Students did some writing about why music is important to them. They gave some great answers! #MIOSM
almost 4 years ago, Mrs. Iversen
A student writes about why music is important to her.
A student writes about why music is important to him.
Students write about why music is important.
4th Grade Music Students did some writing about why music is important to them. They gave some great answers! #MIOSM
almost 4 years ago, Mrs. Iversen
Plymouth County Conservation is hosting a "Becoming Bigfoot": a series of outdoor skill training sessions, such as fishing, shelter/fire building, tracking, trapping, and foraging. This program is created for 8-10 middle school-age students (grades 6th - 8th), with an interest in learning more about the outdoors. The program would be after school until about 4:00. There is no cost for this opportunity. An email with more information will be sent to parents of 6th-8th graders. Contact Madalyn Hewitt at or at 515-520-4321 if you have questions. Registration will be with Janet Held at school. This material is neither sponsored nor endorsed by Hinton CSD.
almost 4 years ago, Phil Goetstouwers
Congratulations to our high school robotics team, “Robohawks”, for advancing from the qualifiers to the Super Qualifiers!
almost 4 years ago, Phil Goetstouwers
No time like right now to make sure you have a yearbook ordered for your son or daughter. Order online at - TODAY!
almost 4 years ago, Chad Sussex
Yearbook Marketing
Our 5-12 band program (only) will perform on Tuesday, March 9th. 6:00 pm- 5/6th grade 6:40 pm- 7/8th grade 7:15 pm- High school band We have staggered these times in hopes families leave after their child performs to reduce the amount of people in the gym at the same time.
almost 4 years ago, Phil Goetstouwers
The Hinton CSD and School Board would like to thank our community members for your input and support in advance of today's PPEL vote. While residents did not approve the question on the ballot, we are thankful to have started the conversation regarding our needs.
almost 4 years ago, Ken Slater